(+53) 5 356 3515

Find a Rent House

Looking for a rent house? Rent room? Or rent an apartment in Varadero, Habana, Santa Clara, Trinidad, Viñales, or any other popular destination in Cuba? You’re in the right website. We provide a list of rent houses available in Varadero, rent houses in Habana, rent houses in Santa Clara, rent houses in Trinidad, rent houses in Viñales, and other destinations. Just browse the list to select the rent house you would like to stay. We try to include as much useful information as possible such as number of rooms, bedrooms, features, views, location, etc.

To locate your rent house first:

  1. Browse the rent house list
  2. Review each individual rent house, room, apartment or hostal
  3. Use the rent house browser tool
  4. Filter rent houses by room, for ex.: rent houses in Varadero with one room or rent houses in Trinidad with two rooms
  5. Or filter rent houses by location, for ex.: Varadero rent houses near the beach or Trinidad rent houses near the old town
  6. Or filter rent houses by features or services for ex.: Varadero rent houses with breakfast included
  7. Once you have our rent house located, you can Book in that rent house
  8. We contact rent houses owners and check for availability
  9. We confirm your reservation 100% with the First Day retainer and update the reservation documents with the rest of the information you may need.

We DO NOT charge you any cost for contacting rent house owners.

Be sure to review the Varadero rent houses near the beach, or Habana rent houses with swimming pool, or Santa Clara rent houses near the park! There is so much to explore in Cuba, you will be amazed by its destinations and the warm welcome from the rent house owners!