(+53) 5 356 3515

Villa Obdulia Varadero Rent House

Rent House in Varadero
House view from the street, secure parking
Villa Obdulia
Rent Type Private Room ?
Minimum Stay 2 Nights
Total Rooms 3
Sleeps 7
Beds 6 (2 Queen, 3 Full, 1 Single)
Bathrooms 3
Kitchen No Kitchen ?
View Street


Eduardo & Yoly rent 3 rooms one block and a half from the beach. You can rent them independently or together. Perfect for a family or group of friends.

Each room is independent, with private bathroom and private entrance.

The first room has three full beds, at $40 CUC

The second room has a queen bed, at $35 CUC

The third room has queen and a personal bed, at $40 CUC

A nice and cozy terrace surrounded by plants and walls decorated with sea shells, two sun-loungers where you can rest or take the sun, a bench and an umbrella and a table where you can enjoy your meals and share with your family and friends.

Secure parking slot (inside the property).

Owners also offer meals and breakfast for an additional price.

Rent House Photos are 100% accurate (to the day they were taken). Photos are taken in-place by our travel agents or provided by the rent house owner itself. Look for the Vararent Verified symbol over the photos which guarantees a travel agent have verified the rent house photo.

Last Updated On: Jul, 15 2020. 02:08 PM


Free Parking
Air Conditioning
Hot and Cold Water
Breakfast and Meals ?
Smoking Allowed
Pets Allowed
Handicap Accessible
Family/Kids Friendly ?
BBQ Grill

House Rules

This rent house only admits up to 7 persons including guests (adults and children) and visitors. Please consider this rule before making your reservation. Failing to adhere to this rule can result in the cancelation of your reservation without refund at the discretion of the rent house owner.


Is this Rent House available?

Use the booking form at the top-right side of this page to make a booking request. Your travel agent will call rent house owners and will ask for availability. Your travel agent will email you back with availability information ASAP.

Due to the characteristics of Cuban communications, is very hard for rent house owners to keep updated availability information in a website. Our travel agents do that for you once you make a booking.

Please do not contact us in vain. Book Only if you do have the firm intention to rent this Varadero Rent House (or other).

Our service is free, so please use it if you truly want to rent this Varadero rent house or other.


  • Greg
    Hola, Villa Obdulia es un confortable lugar, que se ajusta adecuadamente al precio que tiene. Aire acondicionado en los cuartos y ventiladores extras para mayor comodidad en el resto de la casa, asi como un mini-fridge en uno de los cuartos y otro en el comedorcito. La casa esta situada a una cuadra de la playa en un lugar con muchas opciones para comer y comprar. Los cuartos tienen sus propias llaves aunque Varadero es un lugar con mucha seguridad. Eduardo y su esposa fueron muy amables con nosotros. Eduardo nos ayudo a conseguir también quien nos llevara almuerzo y comida a la casa, cuando lo necesitábamos, el cual tuvo un precio y una calidad muy aceptables teniendo en cuenta que de los tres, dos somos vegetarianos. Un saludo a la muchacha que nos enviaba los alimentos. La casa esta mejor que las fotos del Internet. Recomendamos que los utensilios de la cocina sean reemplazados así como el estar mas pendiente de la limpieza en general. Siempre recordaremos la amabilidad de Eduardo, que constantemente estaba al tanto de todas nuestras necesidades y recomendamos esta casa. Gracias a Eduardo y a Linet de Vararent por habernos acomodado. Greg y familia.
  • admin
    One block from the beach. Must improve bedroom decorations. Great terrace.
Gravatar of reviewers are used, a default cute "monster" icon is shown if reviewer don't have a gravatar yet.
$40/room ?
1 room @ $40 per night x 1 night $40
Reservation Total $40
To Pay On-Line NOW ? $0
First Day Retainer ? $40
Total Payable on Arrival ? $0

The Formal confirmation document will have accurate final price including all discounts or charges. Amounts shown here are in CUC. Read all Read All Booking Terms and Conditions.

Book in this Rent House
We don't charge anything for booking now and request availability. You DO need to pay for your reservation at your check-in and send first day retainer IF the house is available to guarantee 100% your reservation
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