Contents tagged with food
Rent House Breakfast Service
Almost all Cuban Rent Houses with private room offers breakfast and meals as part of their services. If you want to know more about privacy options please refer to the Cuba Rent House Privacy Options guide. This service is another attraction when renting a house or private room in Varadero, Habana, Santa Clara or any other popular... read more
Restaurants with vegetarian dishes in Varadero
In Cuba there is no culture of vegetarian food and there aren’t specialized restaurants in that kind of meals because the Cuban likes eat meats, fishes, eggs, etc. The salads are always presents in the traditional Cuban food (If you want know more about Cuban Traditional Food check the section what to eat?), but isn’t common the vegetarian life style, that is why you can’t find... read more
27 Restaurants to visit in Varadero
Here are some restaurants you can visit in Varadero: from the popular Italian food to our tasty Creole food. These are not particular restaurants (owned by the state), here you will find their main specialty, the address and telephone number. Enjoy them and let us know which one was your favorite! 27 Varadero Restaurants (from 11th. Street to South Freeway km 8... read more
What to eat
Cuban cuisine has the influence of Spanish, African, Caribbean and American cuisines which gives an interesting flavor. You can find tasteful dishes country wide and especially in touristic areas. This guide explains the basic of Cuban cuisine and the different meals to eat. Typical Meal Typical meal is rice with beans, cooked apart named “Arroz y Frijoles” or cooked together... read more